[June 2023] More GA4 Events

Passwordless beta continues, new GA4 referral tracking events, integrations, and more!

Welcome to the June 2023 Referral Rock roundup, where we help you turn your biggest fans into sources of valuable business referrals! 🤠 

Hi there,

👋 I’m Erin, the new Head of Marketing at Referral Rock. It’s almost July 1st, which means the first full month of summer (😎)...and the official goodbye to Google’s Universal Analytics (😖).

If you’re a marketer who’s still trying to figure out GA4, you’re not alone — I’ve been watching some great webinars (like this and this) to get up to speed. And in case you missed it, don’t forget to check out Referral Rock’s new GA4 integration.

While summer is the time to relax, it’s also a great time for planning. And if one of your goals this quarter is to launch your affiliate marketing program, we’ve got a new guide for you!

Onward: here’s what we shipped in June to make your workflows a little easier.

Enjoy the sunshine!


📣 Product Announcements

More sharing = more referrals

  • Passwordless Member Login: Want to take away the pain of passwords for your members? We’re continuing to roll out our passwordless feature to simplify the entire registration experience — opt in here if you want early access. [Learn more]

Measure results and track insights

  • New RR_Member_Visit_View event in GA4: You can now track website visits coming from your referral program in Google Analytics 4, alongside a number of other referral tracking events. [Learn more]

Put referrals on autopilot with integrations & automations

  • New integrations added to docs: Referral Rock integrates with 30+ form and e-commerce platforms for conversion capture — find out which ones are supported in these updated docs.

  • Admin page for Integration Assistance: We have a new in-product form to help you set up referral tracking. Find it in the Help menu under “Integration Assistance.”

🤔 Did you know?

Referral Rock is a HubSpot Certified App — this means the HubSpot product team has given it the stamp of approval for security, privacy, reliability, performance, usability, accessibility, and value.

❤️ Referral Rock Customer Love

And in case you missed it...

Is your business capturing referrals where they happen? - Learn how integrating forms and checkouts with your referral program creates a way better experience.

May 2023 Referral Rock Round-Up - See May’s product updates — and learn about one of Josh’s new favorite website performance tools.

Brand Visits Dashboard: See the brand awareness generated by your referral programs - Find out the better way to track the full effect of your word-of-mouth efforts.