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  • [Brand Visits Dashboard] See the brand awareness generated by your referral programs

[Brand Visits Dashboard] See the brand awareness generated by your referral programs

A referral program makes an impact on your brand with every share

Referral Rock is proud to announce the release of its latest referral visit tracking technology ā€“ with our Brand Visits Dashboard. Through your new dashboard it will be clear just how much brand awareness your referral program is generating for your organization.

Even though not every visit will become a referral immediately, the impact of your referral program creates brand awareness that should not be overlooked.

šŸŽ„ Watch the video to see how it works:

An image linking to the Brand Visits Dashboard demo video

 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø What is the Brand Visits Dashboard?

The Brand Visits Dashboard allows you to quickly see and understand referral behavior so that you can make informed decisions about your referral program over time.

Brand visits include page views and conversion events from potential referrals interacting with your site. As soon as someone clicks on a memberā€™s referral URL, a first party cookie is placed on their browser. That cookie allows us to understand all behavior on your site from people before they convert to referrals.

An image of the Brand Visits Dashboard highlighting the different features

šŸ“ˆ Compare Unconverted and Converted Referral Traffic

Before the Brand Visits Dashboard, all traffic was categorized as ā€˜referral trafficā€™. You were not able to tell if a visitor to your website was a person who had or hadnā€™t converted yet to a referral. You could not determine the exact source of your referral traffic, and it was difficult to evaluate over time.

Now, with the Brand Visits Dashboard, you can not only track unconverted referrals visiting your website, but you can also see how long people are spending on your site, how often they visit, the source of the traffic, and even compare it to previous time periods.

This data gives you quick answers to questions about your referral campaigns, helps you to spot and understand trends, and identify drop-off points where you are losing referral conversions.

šŸ’”Understand Each Referralā€™s Entire Web Journey

And not only do you have access to the overall visitor data on the main Brand Visits Dashboard, but you can also click into any personā€™s history to see their unique referral journey.

This level of detail will give you a full picture into that individualā€™s entire experience with your brand prior to becoming a referral.

An image showing an example of the Brand Visitor Activity

šŸ§­ How do I get the Brand Visit Dashboard?

Good news: Youā€™re probably already tracking Brand Visits! but if some of the results are missing, take a look at our setup guides for easy instructions.

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