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  • [HubSpot Integration] Run your referral program alongside HubSpot đźš—

[HubSpot Integration] Run your referral program alongside HubSpot đźš—

If you’re a HubSpot user who wants to run a referral program, here’s why Referral Rock is your best option.

This is a Feature Updates edition, where we go deep on a feature and how it enhances the referral experience. Other editions include Data Insights and Monthly Roundups.

If you use HubSpot to run your business, you might think that any referral marketing tool that integrates with the CRM will meet your needs. But most referral software doesn’t integrate with HubSpot to the extent that Referral Rock does.

Here’s what some of our customers have to say:

“Referral Rock’s HubSpot connection is unlike anything on the market that I’ve seen (at this price point).” - Julia, Health & Fitness

"The integration with HubSpot was seamless, and it has tracking, rewards, emails, and campaigns all in one place!" - Nate W., Real Estate 

“We’re using Referral Rock to input referral customers to HubSpot, then keep track of who we owe rewards to when those referral customers move to Closed Won.” - Dave M., Public Safety

Let’s take a closer look at what you can do when you connect HubSpot + Referral Rock.

âś… Give your customers a way to share directly from HubSpot email campaigns

HubSpot is awesome for sending emails to different segments of users. Connecting Referral Rock makes it easy to: 

  • Launch your referral program with an email campaign that has personalized access links. Anyone who gets the email can start sharing quickly — no passwords or signups needed! 

  • Add access links directly to the footer of your other marketing emails to build program awareness. 

  • Send additional email campaigns to your top-referring customers to update them on the status of their referrals (and encourage them to keep sharing). You can even provide their unique share link directly in the email. 👇

âś… Enrich Contacts with program participant and referral data 

Once you have customers participating in your referral program, you can send that data to HubSpot (in Contacts), enabling you to:

  • Segment Contacts by program membership or activity, and target your top referrers with further incentives and reminders. 

  • Trigger emails based on activity like earning a reward or reaching a certain milestone (e.g. You’ve referred 5 new customers!). 

  • Automatically send monthly emails with referral activity and reward updates.  

Learn more about enriching Contacts (program participants and referrals >)

âś… Trigger rewards based on referral activity in HubSpot

Unlike other referral software with a one-way HubSpot sync, our two-way sync lets you pass information from HubSpot back to Referral Rock. This allows you to: 

  • Run your referral program alongside your existing processes in HubSpot. 

  • Trigger rewards in Referral Rock based on any Contact, Company, or Deal Property change in HubSpot (examples: customers can be rewarded when their referral’s deal stage changes to “Opportunity” or “Closed Won”) 

  • Keep referral properties in sync with HubSpot data changes.

The bottom line: If you’re a HubSpot user who wants to run a referral program, Referral Rock is your best option. We truly let you run these two systems in parallel!

Want to learn more? See more in-depth instructions in our support docs or reply to this email with questions.

Wishing you a great rest of the month ⛄


P.S. Follow Referral Rock on LinkedIn for referral marketing tips and insights like this!

In case you missed it…

[December 2023] The best features we shipped this year - Check out our 2023 retro to see how we’re making referral programs easier to manage and promote.

How much brand awareness can you expect from referrals? - Find out why you should be measuring traffic from your referral program (vs. only converted referrals).