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  • [Data Insight] How much brand awareness can you expect from referrals? šŸ“ˆ

[Data Insight] How much brand awareness can you expect from referrals? šŸ“ˆ

Measuring traffic from your referral or affiliate program is almost as important as tracking converted referrals ā€” hereā€™s why.

This is a Data Insights edition, where we share unique data on running referral marketing and affiliate programs. šŸ“Š 

Other editions include Feature Updates and Monthly Roundups.

As marketers, weā€™ve all heard the saying ā€œwebsite traffic is a vanity metric.ā€ šŸ™„ And yes, if you generate lots of traffic and donā€™t convert any of it, thatā€™s a problem.

But letā€™s be real: you need traffic (and brand awareness) to start the conversion journey. Itā€™s not the only metric you should care about, but itā€™s also something you want to focus on growing so you can influence more down the funnel.

Thatā€™s why measuring traffic from your referral or affiliate program is almost as important as tracking converted referrals (leads/customers). Directionally, it shows you if the messages and offers shared by your referring customers are driving people to your website. From there, you can focus on conversion.

Data insight: How much brand awareness do referrals generate?

To help you get an idea of how much brand awareness you can expect to generate from referrals, weā€™ve looked at anonymized data from programs run on Referral Rock for the month of June.

Stat 1: Average referral traffic

  • On average, referral programs drove 1,388 brand visits (aka website sessions) a month. These are high-intent visits from people in your target market, so itā€™s not just any olā€™ trafficā€¦itā€™s high-quality traffic. We pulled this anonymized data from referral programs across Referral Rockā€™s user base, which includes B2B and B2C companies across a wide variety of industries (SaaS, staffing, auto services, and more).

    Also: this number has the potential to grow significantly as a referral program matures. CoolBot, a longtime Referral Rock customer, saw 83,000 website impressions driven from referring customers within the first few months of launching their program.

Stat 2: Average time to convert

  • How long does it take for a referral who visits a website from a share link to convert to a paying customer? According to our aggregate data for the month of June, that number is 25.6 hours (just over a day).

    Note: This data only counts referrals who actually convert to customersā€¦so we arenā€™t counting any referral who visits the website and doesnā€™t convert. But this shows us that referrals who do convert, do so fairly quickly. And thatā€™s good news (and another win for brand awareness).

Start reporting on more than converted referrals

Itā€™s time to think of website traffic (and brand awareness) as more than a vanity metric of your referral program.

When you have the ability to track how many website visits your program is generating ā€” and see how those sessions convert ā€” you can do a lot more to optimize your program and show its full impact.

And if you want to have referral attribution data pushed into your regular analytics tool (Google Analytics 4 šŸ‘‹ ), you can do that via the RR_Referral_Brand_View event.

One last thingā€¦

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Plus, check out our previous deep-dive on the top referral share methods.

Until next time!
